28 Days on a Liquid Protein Diet

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 8

Today's Weight: 194.0
Yesterday's Weight: 194.0 lbs
1-Day Weight Change: 0.0 lbs
Weight Change to Date: - 5.8 lbs
Still to Lose: 19.0 lbs

Sleep: 8.5 hours

9:00 AM: 2 scoop protein shake, 2 tablespoons flax seed, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules, 2 capsules green tea extract, multivitamin, Vitamin D

12:30 PM: 2 scoop protein shake, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules, 2 capsules green tea extract

3:30 PM: 1.5 scoops Surge during workout

6:30 PM: 2 tablespoons peanut butter,
3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules

1 hour resistance training

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 7

Today's Weight: 194.0
Yesterday's Weight: N/A lbs
1-Day Weight Change: N/A lbs
Weight Change to Date: - 5.8 lbs
Still to Lose: 19.0 lbs

Sleep: 9 hours

11:30 AM: 2 scoop protein shake, 2 tablespoons flax seed, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules, 2 capsules green tea extract, multivitamin, Vitamin D

2:30 PM: 1 cup tea with 1 teaspoon sugar

5:00 PM: 2 scoop protein shake, 2 tablespoons flax seed, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules, 2 capsules green tea extract PLUS 1 tablespoon of peanut butter

9:00 PM: 2 scoop protein shake, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules, 2 capsules green tea extract PLUS 1 tablespoon of peanut butter

7:00 PM: 1 cup tea with 1 teaspoon sugar

45 minutes low intensity cardio
evening hypnosis session

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Some Tips for the Velocity Dieter

I have been on the Velocity Diet twice now, once for 6-8 weeks (it was so successful that I just kept going after the 4-week mark) and now again, roughly a year later. So I have a little experience in the field. Here are a few tips that you might consider if you're thinking of doing the diet yourself.

(1) Like Yoda says, "Do or do not; there is no try." In other words, you really have to commit to doing the diet 100% for a certain period of time, and set aside enough time and mental energy to make it happen. A half-assed approach will not produce "Velocity Diet results." It's all or nothing. (More below...)

One thing I definitely do not recommend is doing some "home grown version" of the Diet where, for example, you have one solid meal a day (instead of one meal a week). Let me tell you, you will end up HUNGRY ALL THE TIME with NO SIGNIFICANT WEIGHT LOSS to show for it. When it comes to the Velocity Diet, "half-assed" = Failure.

(2) Prepare yourself beforehand. Although the Velocity Diet is quite easy to maintain once you're on it, it does require some prep work, and I advise getting all that done BEFORE "Day 1," so that once you're on the Diet, you can focus your mental energy on staying on it, without worrying about, say, running out of protein powder on a Sunday when all the store are closed.

Step one in your preparation should be to read or re-read the original two Velocity Diet posts, found here and here. They will tell you pretty much all you need to know about the Diet. You can do more online research if you wish, but these two articles provide the necessary base.

Then purchase a month's supply of protein powder and all the supplements you're planning to take. It's much, much easier to have a month's supply of everything you will consume in a closet than to have to keep running out and re-stocking.

Then clear as much of the food out of your house as possible. Out of sight, out of mind (hopefully).

(3) Buy one or more hypnosis CDs or MP3s. You may think this is a flakey idea, but it's worked for me, and I think it can work for everyone. The only catch is, you MUST listen to the hypnosis track twice a day, EVERY day, for the entire duration of the Diet, even if you're skeptical or don't notice any effect. (Generally speaking, you will notice an effect after two or three weeks, but the process is cumulative -- like it builds up in your "mental bloodstream" until it reaches a "critical level" and "kicks in" -- so you must keep doing it consistently, even if you feel it's having no effect, in order for it to have an eventual effect.) It's not particularly expensive or time consuming. I suggest buying a book called "You Can Be Thin," which comes with a hypnosis CD. (It's a British import.) I've tried a lot of different hypnosis CDs, and I've found this one to be the best. Read the book first -- it only takes an afternoon, and it's worth it. The hypnosis track is 23 minutes long. I ripped it to my ipod and listen to it in bed at night (I fall asleep to it) and first thing when I get up in the morning (I set my alarm clock for 23 minutes earlier than usual). (Note that when using an ipod, you have to put the hypnosis track on its own individual playlist; otherwise when it ends, the ipod will just play the next track you've got stored.) If you use some peer-to-peer downloading system like BitTorrent or Limewire, you'll be able to find a lot of "weigh loss hypnosis" tracks for free.

(4) Buy a bunch of appetite-suppressing supplements. I was really skeptical of these at the beginning, but I'll tell you, I'm really not hungry on the Velocity Diet, so I assume that something I'm taking is responsible. Here is a list of the appetite suppressants I'm taking (your mileage may vary):

Pine Nut Oil
Green Tea Extract

In regards to hoodia, I did a fair amount of online research, and it seems like the typical bottle of hoodia that you buy at the store may or may not actually contain any hoodia at all (it's not regulated by the government). The brand I've linked to, Desert Burn, is tested by a third-party lab for actual hoodia content, so as far as I can tell, it's the most "reliable" hoodia brand available. I believe it's only available for sale online.

(5) Arrange for some reinforcement. In other words, have someone around that you can talk to about things. (This is the basis of Weight Watcher's, for example.) In my case, I have my trainer, Eric, who I see three times a week. You might have a workout buddy, or even better, a Velocity Diet buddy. If there's no one in your life that can play this role, sign up for the Velocity Diet Support Group and check out the forums at T-Nation (the original home of the Velocity Diet) and you'll find plenty of "virtual buddies" to connect with.

(6) Have someone take photos of you on a regular basis, if possible. In my case, my trainer takes front and side photos of me every week. You can also do it more often, if you like. Even if you can't see the changes in the mirror, if you stick to the Diet, you'll definitely notice the changes in your photographs.

(7) Start a Velocity Diet Blog. This is something that I did not do the first time I was on the Diet, and I've never blogged before now. But I've found that keeping this blog has been REALLY helpful for, on one hand, just keeping track of everything (i.e, how much I'm consuming, how much I'm exercising), and on the other hand, giving me a place to work out my "Velocity Diet thoughts" in writing. I have no previous connection to this site, Blogger, but I can tell you, it was amazingly simply to set up this blog, and it's equally simple to maintain it.

(8) My last piece of advice is to simply go for it -- stop putting things off (you can read those T-Nation forums FOREVER if you're not careful) and get started on the Velocity Diet RIGHT NOW. If your experience is anything like mine, you'll be glad you did!

Day 6

Today's Weight: ______
Yesterday's Weight: 194.6 lbs
1-Day Weight Change: N/A lbs
Weight Change to Date: - 5.2 lbs
Still to Lose: 19.6 lbs

Sleep: 8.5 hours

11:30 AM: 2 scoop protein shake, 2 tablespoons flax seed, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules, 2 capsules green tea extract, multivitamin, Vitamin D

2:30 PM: 2 cups tea with 1 teaspoon sugar

5:15 PM: 2 scoop protein shake, 1 tablespoon flax seed, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules

8:30 PM: 1 tablespoon peanut butter

10:30 PM: 1 tablespoon peanut butter,
2 scoop protein shake, 1 tablespoon flax seed, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules

45 minutes low intensity cardio
evening hypnosis session

Comments: As I had my Weekly Meal last night, I decided not to weigh myself today. I know the day weight fluctuations don't mean much in the long run, but in the short run, I know my weight would be higher than yesterday, and psychologically, I just don't want to deal with that. So I will stick to the diet today and go back to weighing myself tomorrow.

BTW, one of the great things about he Velocity Diet is that the weight loss happens so fast, there's typically an immediate and consistent drop in weight, which makes for great, regular psychological reinforcement. For the most part, the gratification is immediate (stick to diet one day, weight declines the next), not delayed (as with most diets), which makes it easier to stick to, as long as you're regularly tracking your results.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 5

Today's Weight: 194.6 lbs
Yesterday's Weight: 194.8 lbs
1-Day Weight Change: - 0.2 lbs
Weight Change to Date: - 5.2 lbs
Still to Lose: 19.6 lbs

Sleep: 9.5 hours

10:00 AM: 2 scoop protein shake, 2 tablespoons flax seed, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules,
2 capsules green tea extract, multivitamin, Vitamin D

11:00 AM: 2 scoops of surge during workout

3:30 PM: 2 scoop protein shake, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules

6:30 PM: Weekly meal, consisting of: bowl of chicken soup, salad, 1 beef rib, some chicken stir fry (chicken breast and mixed vegetables), fruit salad for dessert

morning hypnosis session
1 hour resistance training/sparring
evening hypnosis session

Comments: Although I was not feeling hungry, I decided to have my Weekly Meal this evening, for two reasons: (1) We were having guests over to the house and I did not want to go through the long-and-painful process of having to explain the diet to them and then having to hear how dangerous and unnecessary the Velocity Diet is (and "Why can't you just eat right and exercise a little more?") and (2) Eric thought that, nutrition-wise, one healthy meal a week would be a good idea. So, I had the meal, and it was fine -- no great orgasmic experience, no negative side effects either. I think, in general, that not Making A Big Thing about the Velocity Diet while on it is generally more effective than taking the opposite approach.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 4

Today's Weight: 194.8 lbs
Yesterday's Weight: 195.8 lbs
1-Day Weight Change: - 1.0 lbs
Weight Change to Date: - 5.0 lbs
Still to Lose: 19.8 lbs

Sleep: 8.5 hours

9:00 AM: 2 scoop protein shake, 2 tablespoons flax seed, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules,
2 capsules green tea extract, multivitamin, Vitamin D

12:30 PM:
1 scoop protein shake, 1 tablespoon flax seed, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules

2:30 PM: 2 cups tea with 1 teaspoon sugar

6:30 PM:
1 scoop protein shake, 1 tablespoon flax seed, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules, 2 tablespoons peanut butter

morning hypnosis session
evening hypnosis session

Comments: Made a mistake today; only had 4 scoops of protein, which lowered my metabolism (and my appetite) and left me like a zombie all day. Also reduced my weight loss (only 0.2 pounds today). I have to make sure to make myself have the 8 scoops over the course of the day!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 3

Today's Weight: 195.8 lbs
Yesterday's Weight: 197.8 lbs
1-Day Weight Change: - 2.0 lbs
Weight Change to Date: - 4.0 lbs
Still to Lose: 20.8 lbs

Sleep: 9 hours

9:30 AM: 2 scoop protein shake, 2 tablespoons flax seed, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules,
2 capsules green tea extract, multivitamin, Vitamin D

2:00 PM: 2 cups tea with 1 teaspoon sugar

4:00: 2 scoops Surge during workout

6:00 PM:
2 scoop protein shake, 2 tablespoons flax seed, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules

8:00 PM: 2 tablespoons of peanut butter

9:30 PM: 1 cup tea with 1 teaspoon sugar

morning hypnosis session
1 hour resistance training/sparring
afternoon hypnosis session
evening hypnosis session


Got really tired half way through my workout, actually tried to take a nap afterward, although I couldn't fall asleep. Then had trouble falling asleep at night.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 2

Today's Weight: 197.8 lbs
Yesterday's Weight: 199.8 lbs
1-Day Weight Change: - 2.0 lbs
Weight Change to Date: - 2.0 lbs
Still to Lose: 22.8 lbs

Sleep: 10 hours

10:00 AM: 2 scoop protein shake, 2 tablespoons flax seed, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules,
2 capsules green tea extract, multivitamin, Vitamin D

1:00 PM:
2 scoop protein shake, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 Greens Plus capsules, 6 PBX capsules, 2 capsules green tea extract

2:15 PM: tea with 1 teaspoon sugar

4:30 PM: 1 scoop protein shake, 3 capsules fish oil, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 6 PBX capsules, green tea extract

6:00 PM: 2 tablespoons peanut butter

morning hypnosis session
40 minutes cardio (low energy!)
evening hypnosis

Monday, January 12, 2009

Introduction - Day 1

Hello all and welcome to Dieting at High Velocity. The purpose of this blog is to track my progress on the Velocity Diet. For those of you who don`t know, the Velocity Diet is basically a 28-day High Protein diet. (You can read the details of it online here and here.) In my particular case, that means eight scoops of high-quality protein powder, plus two tablespoons of peanut butter, per day, for 28 days.

One is generally allowed one real meal per week, if one wants.

My currents stats are:

Gender: Male
Age: 43
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Weight: 199.8 lbs

Several months ago, I tried the Velocity Diet and it was so successful I stayed on it for about 10 week
s, losing about 45 lbs in total. However, over the months that weight has crept back, so I am now returning to the Velocity Diet in hopes of losing 25 pounds (i.e., my goal weight is 175 lbs). I am starting this blog to share my experiences with others and to help keep myself on track.

I live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and I'm being supervised by an excellent personal trainer, Eric Wong. I do one hour of resistance training with Eric 3x per week, plus 45 minutes of low intensity work on an elliptical crosstrainer 5-7x per week.

During each resistance workout I drink about a quart of water with a scoop-and-a-half of Surge mixed in.

I also listen to a 30-minute hypnosis track at night when I go to sleep and in the morning when I wake up. I know hypnosis has a rather dubious reputation, but I've had success with it in the past. (Note that you have to do it daily for at least 3 weeks before you start noticing the results.)

FYI, the protein powder I am using is Isobolic Advanced Protein Matrix. I am also taking several fish oil capsules a day, 4 tablespoons of ground flax seed, and a couple servings of Greens Plus. Also a multivitamin, a calcium and magnesium supplement, and a Vitamin D supplement.

Besides those supplements, I'm also taking a variety of (supposed) appetite suppressants, which may or may not have any real world effect. These include hoodia capsules, PGX, green tea extract and pine nut oil capsules. I'm rather skeptical about all such things, but the last time I was on the Velocity Diet, I was much less hungry than a lot of other people on the same diet have reported being, so maybe there is something to these things after all.

Here is my record for the day:

8:30 AM: 2 scoops protein powder, three fish oil capsules, three pine nut oil capsules, 2 tablespoons flax seed, 2 capsules green tea extract

12:30 PM:
2 scoops protein powder, three fish oil capsules, three pine nut oil capsules, 2 capsules green tea extract

4:00 PM: 1.5 scoops Surge

7:00 PM: 1 scoop protein powder, 1 tablespoon fax seed,
1 tablespoon peanut butter, 3 capsules pine nut oil, 3 capsules fish oil, 6 capsules Green Plus

10:20 PM: 1 tablespoon peanut butter

Today's Activities:
45 mins low-intensity cardio
1 hour resistance training
evening hypnosis session

Keywords for search engines: Velocity Diet blog, dieting blog, fitness blog


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